Malaysia Book of Record
Built from 550 bakau poles and 700 manila hem(ropes), the 'Biggest bakau structure' in Malaysia proudly stood on the field of St.John's Institution for 2 months. The structure cum bridge connects the opposite ends of the field measuring 52m long and 11m high at the highest point. With full support from the whole ESG scout troop, this humongous project took a total time of 1 month upon completion.
The original purpose of this structure was for the 26th ESG Campfire, until the suggestion of entering Malaysia Book of Record pops out. Approximately 300 scouts and guides walk on the structure on the campfire night.
It is not just a bakau gadget as many sees, it is our troop's pride not many can achieved. If not for the support of our Rover Crew, school and 100% contribution from the entire troop, this project will remain nothing more than a plan that can never be realised.
