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Founded in the year 1963, 8th Bukit Bintang KL Eagle Scout Group of St.John's Institution has been established for nearly 45 years now. Currently the troop consisted of 7 senior scouts, 40 boyscouts and 30 rovers. The Court of Honour(COH) made up of the Form5 scouts, the council who manages the troop. Not only that, we have a crew of Rover Scouts and Eagle Link(Old boys organization) which are forever supportive to aid the COH.In the year 1977, the troop is honoured by having our own double storeys Scout Den right beside the school. Since then, the Den has been the meeting place and home to all ESG scouts. This wooden structure consists of a large basement, washroom, Quartermaster room, living room and a COH room (meeting room). It is the ESG's landmark built from the hardwork of the pioneers of ESG who raised the fund by doing all sorts of odd jobs and support from the Eagle Link.
Being an outgoing scout troop, we do not limit ourselves to Wilayah Persekutuan alone. We set no borders and is active in both national and international events eg. The National and World Jamboree, La Salle Schools Camporee etc. etc.
As a prestigious scout troop in Kuala Lumpur, we live up to our name by building the 'Biggest Bakau Structure in Malaysia' thereby listing ourselves in the Malaysia Book of Record 2 years ago in 2005. It became a history of ESG for having such huge achievement and should be carried on by the future generations of the troop.
All the efforts of past COH, scouts and teachers are not forgotten but amend us to keep striving harder to make Eagle Scout Troop a wonder.
The 8th Wonder

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